Tokyo Skin_Project
“What is the fabric of the city?
Which materials, motives, textures and patterns constitute the skin and structure of our surrounding environment?
What surfaces tell apart one place from another?
Initially designed as a collection of 365 everyday-life photographic patterns, Tokyo Skin project is part visual-architectural research and part sociological-self-portrait of a life in Tokyo.
The collected patterns and textures are organized through chapters that range from Public to Private, and from Local to Foreign: [Streets], [Interiors], [Home-Objects], [Travel-Escapes]; exposing the contrast and the resemblance of domestic individual spheres with arbitrary exteriors, their material fabrics and aesthetic selections.
Traditional patterns often constitute a graphic representation of existing structures and motives captured in nature, man-made crafts, and conceptual though, spanning from weather and landscape features to vegetal and animal motives, from woven fabrics and utilitarian objects to geometric lines and abstract shapes, spiritual representations and language characters. On the inverse direction, the abstract perception and mapping of contemporary life materials, structures and ready-made patterns confer context interpretation possibilities that provoke new place-time responsive architectures.”
[Tokyo Skin] was partially presented as part of Kuma Laboratory “Intermediating Patterns” collective exhibition, at the Italian Institute of Culture, Tokyo, in September 2011. Full photographic survey was developed from August 2011 to August 2012, and is now being progressively published online.]
9 entries interiors
5 entries home-objects
8 entries travel-escapes
4 entries